Welcome. I’m Ben Spencer, a writer of fantasy fiction. My current work-in-progress is an epic fantasy series entitled The Song of the Burning Heart. Subscribers to the newsletter receive a free novelette set in The Song of the Burning Heart universe entitled Last Performance at the Three Dragons Inn.

I’ve been writing for over two decades. My short stories have been published in Literary Orphans, Scholars & Rogues, and Corner Bar Magazine. My work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. I’ve been agented, but never quite reached the Elysian Fields of traditional publication (In truth, I hear mixed things). I am now a rogue fantasy writer intent on sharing my work with anyone interested.

I joined Substack for two reasons. One: I wanted to share my work with the type of readers that populate Substack, independent-minded creatives searching for deep connection in a world full of noise. Two: I wanted to share my thoughts on the creative process and the inspirations that fuel my work.

Ready to read my fantasy fiction? My urban fantasy novel Many Savage Moons is available HERE.

I intend to use Substack as my writing base for all things regarding The Song of the Burning Heart. If you’re interested in keeping up with the series, you’re in the right place. My plan is to reward subscribers with all sorts of extras along the way.

Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

Long live the written word. Long live the cornucopia of voices found at Substack.com.

Subscribe to Ben Spencer Writes

Ben Spencer writes fantasy fiction. Thoughts on the writing life and updates on my epic fantasy series, The Song of the Burning Heart. Free novelette: Last Performance at the Three Dragons Inn.


Ben Spencer is a writer of fantasy fiction.